the story of the celebrity badger cub
Coco was saved by NEEBG members after her mother was killed on a busy road close to her sett. Coco received a veterinary check and was treated for dehydration. She received feeds at 3 hourly intervals until she was strong enough to be taken to the rescue centre Wildlife Aid in Leatherhead. Another badger cub that had been rescued and named Frosty by Wildlife Aid was lonely and refusing to feed, then coco arrived and the two little orphans were overjoyed to have some badger company in fact both squealed with pleasure when introduced. They both settled and cuddled up together. Both were soon playing and chasing each other as badger cubs love to do. Several other cubs have since been introduced and have grown up as a new badger family. They will be released back into the wild courtesy of an obliging landowner once they are old enough to look after themselves. Wildlife Aid have had a webcam set up in the badger pen and it has been a real joy to watch the badgers playing hard around their new pool ....................Better than watching tv!